After lying dormant for far too long, Project Gutenberg Thailand rides again! The following public domain books about Thailand, digitized by PGT volunteers, are now live on the main Project Gutenberg site:
- Turpin's History of the Kingdom of Siam (1771) [released 2 Jan 2014] - Siam: Its Government, Manners, Customs, &c. (1871) [released 6 Jan 2014] - Progress of Western Education in China and Siam (1880) [released 7 Jan 2014] - Buddhism in the Modern World (1922) [released 7 Jan 2014] - Siam—Land of Free Men (1943) [released 16 Jan 2014] - Jungle and Stream, Or the Adventures of Two Boys in Siam (1888) [released 16 Jan 2014] - Notes of a Journey on the Upper Mekong, Siam (1895) (released 16 Jan 2014]
You can download them in a variety of formats, including Epub and Kindle. A few more books have been fully proofread and are going through post-processing. They will be online soon. Several others are still in progress in Unbindery, the software we use to crowdsource the proofreading. And hundreds more are just waiting to be digitized.
If you have 5 minutes to spare, and are interested in helping digitize more ebooks (in English or Thai), you can sign up at You only take on one page at a time, so you can spend as much or as little time as you want doing it. Guidance on proofing can be found on our mostly defunct Google Group. (Note: There is no main website for PGT at the moment, but Unbindery is still functional, generously hosted by Ben Crowder.)
In addition to many more books, I still plan to get a proper website made for PGT at some point. If you have any skills in that area and are interested in helping, drop me a line at gutenbergthai [at] gmail [dot] com.